Just Add Ranch Dressing

lettuce in pot

Lettuce, mint and dahlias

Lettuce.  Not just for salads anymore.

I haven’t done much container gardening until recently.  Possibly because, indoors, I have a brown thumb and consequently, I associate any kind of container gardening with death. In the last couple of years, I’ve been expanding my garden palette beyond just perennials. I don’t, however, want to allocate valuable growing space in the ground to annuals, which leads me back to the dreaded pot.

My previous attempts with potted things, outside, have been limited to the usual, “blah” suspects–petunias, snapdragons, pansies, etc.  Lately, I’ve been working more with leaf color, with less emphasis on flowers.

Lettuce, salvia and some kind of trailing greyish thing

Last year’s lettuce seeded itself all over the place, including where I wanted to plant tomatoes and peppers.  I hate to waste anything, so I dug up the volunteer lettuce and stuck it in a pot.

The result is a pretty neat container plant.  Next year, I think I’ll seed some darker lettuce right into my pots.

(Click images for larger view.)

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