Taming of the Muse


ME: (Speaking to my muse) Where the heck have you been?

MUSE: Around.

ME: Around?  Doing what?

MUSE: Stuff.

ME: What kind of stuff?

MUSE: Stuff.

ME: Like what? Searching the Internet for nekkid pictures of Hugh Jackman?

MUSE: (Indignant sniff.) That would be you.

ME: Right.  The point is, you’re supposed to be my constant companion, my source of inspiration. Instead, you flake out on me.

MUSE: I’m capricious.  That’s my charm.

ME: Charm, my ass. From now on, you stay here.

MUSE: What’s in it for me?

ME: My eternal gratitude.

MUSE: Meh.  Will there be cookies?

ME: No. Cookies make us fat.

MUSE: Us? Speak for yourself, lard ass.

ME: I–

MUSE: “I, I, I” It’s always about you, isn’t it?  What about me?  My needs?

ME: (Pauses.) I was right, wasn’t I? Internet. Hugh Jackman. In the buff.

MUSE: (Squirms.) Actually…Jake Gyllenhaal.

ME: (Pauses.) So … did you find anything?

MUSE: Will there be cookies?

ME: Heck, for nekkid Jake Gyllenhaal, I’ll get you ice cream.

MUSE: Deal. Come on.

ME: (Confused.) Wait-a minute. What about my writing? Art? I, uh–Whoa! Is that–? (Thoroughly distracted.)

MUSE:  (To camera.  Satisfied smirk.) Works. Every. Time.

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