Intro-Writing Resources

To write any kind of imaginary work, you gotta fall on your sword. You gotta be ready to be blasted out of existence. Lots of times, the blood is on the floor.
--Arthur Miller, "What I've Learned", Esquire Magazine, July 2003

Writing is a lot like losing weight. Lots of people say they want to do it, but few stick to a plan long enough to accomplish anything.

The common perception is that getting published proceeds as follows: you write something; submit it to a market; it is accepted and voila, the check is in the mail. To some degree, this is indeed the path to publication. But those steps are rooted in the assumption that you've written something "publishable."

If you're just starting out, chances are high that the stuff you are churning out isn't quite up to par. It's no big deal, really. Everybody has to start somewhere. The key is what you do after being hit with the "I've got some work to do" realization.

In my experience, a lot of would-be writers simply give up. Sometimes this happens after a few rejections. Others give up after their first real critique. Critiques are not for the faint-hearted and bear little resemblance to the kind (and sometimes outright disingenuous) praise of friends and family.

Many just lose interest, citing the issue of life:   family, a full-time job, etc. To which, I'd point out that many published authors also have jobs--a necessity in this biz--as well as families and other commitments.

If you want to write...write. If you want to write and sometimes be paid for what you write, then some degree of commitment is necessary. Roll up your sleeves, do the work and expect to keep working...for as long as it takes. And yes, this might mean years.

So, if you recognize that you've got some work to do, where do you turn for help?

There is no shortage of writing advice available in print and online. What I've included in the Online and Print Help section are those resources that are/were helpful to me. This is by no means a definitive list, particularly since my focus is in the fantasy and romance genres.

In the Articles section, I will try to address specific issues, many arising from my experience critiquing the works of others. To give you an idea of what I consider good fiction, I've included a list of Favorites.

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