In Which I…Ooo! Something Shiny!

It’ll just take a minute.

Famous last words.  Uttered before I descend into a two-hour long journey into the darkest pits of time wasting.  A.K.A, the Internet.

The Wonder Horse Demonstrates Crazy

Internets Makes Me Krazy

The plan.  Hop online.  Update my blog. Get outta there. Get to work on W.I.P.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Well, it’s also littered with the sad detritus of best-laid plans.

I log onto my blog. (No small task because I have to dig through the mountain of paperwork on my desk to find the sticky note containing my password.) But I’m otherwise prepared, having already written the post. (At work.)

Copy-paste, and voila, I haz blog post. I scan it carefully for typos, find and correct several. Upload a cute pic to go with posting and hit “Publish.”

Re-read the post and find more typos. Correct and re-publish.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Several more times.

Scan rest of blog and notice typos–glaring, huge, blind man can see ’em from space, typos-on older posts.  Correct those typos.  In the process, note that new blog template has fucked up pics on an older post.  Fight with image settings for fifteen minutes.  Blister the air with curse words, delete and reload image.

All done.  Except, lookee! Another fucking typo on the latest post.  Correct.

Study the blog and wonder if I should add an easy link to Chapter One of The Music of Chaos. Wander off to find a java thingy to make a pop-up window.  Find a site with cute animal videos. Squee! Baby animals.

An hour later…it’s almost five o’clock. Husband will soon be home. Horse and hound are demanding dinner. I notice I’m still logged onto my blog and wonder why…java thingy, W.I.P. and The Great Plan now forgotten.

My mind needs a memory upgrade.

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